Biography | |
![]() Prof. Jovana Petrovic University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Title: Photonic integrated circuits based on linearly coupled waveguide arrays | |
Abstract: Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are a promising route towards the next generation of classical and quantum information technologies. The main challenges before their widespread implementation are achievements of the competitive footprint, speed and number of simultaneous operations. This translates into requirements for miniaturization, broad bandwidth and extensive spatial and wavelength multiplexing. Current PIC designs commonly rely on directional couplers for operations and waveguides for information transfer. However, their miniaturization potential is limited by the trade-off between losses and bend radii in the former case and the crosstalk between densely packed waveguides in the latter case. On the other hand, operationally successful nanophotonic inverse designs are achieved only with substantial time and energy resources per device [1, 2]. Here, we present and discuss an innovative solution for design of PICs which utilizes the linear crosstalk between waveguides [3]. We demonstrate construction of interconnects, couplers, interferometers and filters [4, 5, 6]. We show components in glass, silicon nitride and silicon-on-insulator, and offer strategies for optimization of their footprint and bandwidth. The concept has been experimentally validated by fabrication of equal power splitters in glass. The optimization capability was proven by the achieved negligible insertion loss, large bandwidth and footprint scalability [7]. The proposed PICs are highly cost effective. Our simple semi-analytical design algorithm ensures efficient design, 20-100 times faster than the competing nanodesigns [1, 2], and production realizable by any waveguide fabrication technique. Finally, we show that the quantum walk through the proposed linearly coupled waveguide arrays offers numerous possibilities for path-entanglement generation. REFERENCES [1] H. Xie, Y. Liu et al., IEEE Photon. J. 10, 1 (2018). [2] A. Y. Piggott, J. Petykiewicz et al. Sci. Rep. 7, 1786 (2017). [3] J. Petrovic, J. Veerman, Ann. Phys. 392, 128 (2018). [4] J. Petrovic, J. Krsic et al., J. Opt. Las. Technol. 163, 109381 (2023). [5] J. Petrovic, Opt. Lett. 40, 139 (2015). [6] J. Petrovic, A. Maluckov, N. Stojanovic, Opt. Quantum Electron. 54, 687 (2022). [8] P. Vildoso, R. A. Vicencio, J. Petrovic, Opt. Express 31, 12704 (2023). | |
Biography: Dr Jovana Petrovic graduated from the School of Electronic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia and earned her PhD from the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Birmingham, UK. Upon postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford, UK and the Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Florence, Italy, and the tenured appointment at the Vinca Institute, Belgrade, Serbia, she joined the Centre for Free Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany. She is appointed as an Associate Research Professor at the University of Belgrade. Dr. Petrovic has made a number of contributions to photonics, atomic and molecular physics. Her main scientific interests are in the areas of fibre-optic sensing, ultrafast lasers and laser cooling and control of atoms and molecules. Her research has resulted in 45 journal and 80 conference contributions and the foundation of a spin-off company. Dr. Petrovic serves as an expert project evaluator and monitor to the European Commission and is an active member of the Optical Society of America, Optical Society of Serbia and the German Physical Society. |