Biography | |
![]() Prof. Anhui Liang Guangdong University of Technologies, China |
Title: New Equations More Precise Than Uncertainty Principle, Biological Optical Fiber Couplers, Bio-transistors and Modulation Format on Human Retina | |
Abstract: Anhui Liang1 and Zhimin Liang2 1Guangdong University of Technology, China 2University of California, San Diego, USA Abstract: We discovered a pair of equations which are more precise than Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. We first derive one new equation: ![]() We first discovered there are biological transistors on human retina. We first proposed the modulation formats on human retina. We first find the trend of the hue resolution curve of human eyes is correlated to S+0.5M-0.25L. We first found there are optical couplers consisted of cones and rods on human retina. We first find there are optical couplers consisted of Chinese Meridians. We first found several types optical couplers in human bodies, one type consisted of nerve cell, glia cell and blood capillary, another type consisted of nerve cell, glia cell and collagenous fiber. We first proposed live chromosomes are optical fibers and a pair of natural sister chromatids form an optical fiber coupler, We first propose the live chromosomes in a human body can form many optical fiber components including fiber lasers, optical fiber amplifiers, optical modulators and saturable absorbers etc. | |
Biography: 国家“千人计划”获得者(创新,A类),国家特聘专家,广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授,光电工程学科带头人,博士生导师。曾任南京邮电大学学术委员会副主任,曾任南京邮电大学光通信与生物光学研究中心主任和南京邮电大学校长专聘教授,博士生导师。担任“千人计划”全国代表大会代表(全国仅两百多名,是光纤通信领域唯一的连续两届代表),担任江苏省千人计划(海智)联合会理事、信息科学专委会副主任。曾在美国、日本、中国(香港)等国家从事尖端的光纤通信及生物光学方面的学术及研发工作二十余载。曾在多家美国著名的企业担任高级研发职位。如曾在前身为AT&T贝尔实验室的海底光缆分部担任资深研究员,当时在世界最著名的三大华裔科学家之一的林清隆教授的实验室从事海底光纤通信的研究工作。曾任武汉邮电科学研究院光纤通信技术和网络国家重点实验室首席科学家(系统和模块)、中国最大的有源器件公司WTD首席科学家(模块)。担任国家“千人计划”,“千人计划”、863的面试及函评评委,以及省市级的项目评审组长或评委。曾任湖北省留学人员协会理事,武汉市高层次人才协会理事。 |