Dr. Te Hu
Dr. Te Hu
Apple Camera Team, USA
Te Hu studied materials science at University of Science & Technology Beijing (B. Eng. with high honors 2011), where his undergraduate thesis project examined using light to manipulate the absorption and wettability behavior of amphiphilic copolymer. He then moved from steady-state experiment to ultrafast regime for his doctoral studies in Materials Science at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Ph.D. 2016) with Professor Aaron M. Lindenberg. His Ph.D. work focused on below two areas:

1. Developing laser pump – X-ray / electron diffraction probes to study heat transportation across nanoscale interfaces of piezoelectric and newly emerging 2D/3D hybrid perovskites with field desired optoelectronic properties
2. Through fs/ps time-resolved laser spectroscopy, explore dynamics of photo-excited states in LED/solar cell–orientated novel hybrid perovskites, with the ultimate goal to enable high-performance optoelectronic applications
Now Te Hu works as optical Engineer at Apple Camera Team.